高階液體自動進樣器 3200A 產品型號:3200A

■ 最高階的樣品容量
■ 二維條碼讀取器(BCR)
3200A是市場上最緊湊的自動進樣器,具有一流的樣品處理能力:沒有一個提供如此高量樣品容納,卻幾近零工作台空間需求。 3200A可容納209個2mL樣品瓶,為市場樹立了新標準。為高生產率實驗室和快速Fast GC應用的最理想選擇。
■ SyringeID 自動識別注射器系統
所有3200A皆可搭載二維條碼讀取器,為您提供完整和詳細追蹤的樣品資訊。每個樣品的條形碼(可設定)將在進樣之前讀取,並將其資訊存儲,提高實驗可追溯性。搭配HTA Autosampler Manager軟體處理二維條碼資訊。
■ 操作簡單
■ 支援實驗室的所有GC
Sample Capacity
15 samples 121 samples
(1 removable rack)209 samples
(2 removable racks)User Interface Keypad Touch Screen Touch Screen Syringe Housing Illumination -
√ √ SyringeID (專利技術) -
√ BCR (Bar Code Reader) -
Optional Software: HTA Autosampler
Manager (Standard Version)Included Free trial
(60 days)Free trial
(60 days)Easy fixing/ Repositioning system √ √ √ 項目
Syringe volume(可客製化)
0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100ml Maintenance
preventive counters available
Electrical control
LAN and TTL; optional: RS232 Syringe area illumination
Yes (programmable) for 3000A/3200A
Tray capacity
3000A (可客製化) 121 vials, 2ml (1 removable rack) 3200A 209 vials, 2ml (2 removable racks) 3100A 15 vials, 2ml Filling Sample volume as low as step of 0.1ml Air volume as low as step of 0.1ml Filling speed 1-100ml/sec Viscosity delay 0-15s Bubble elimination up to 15 pull up strokes Injection
Injection speed
1-100ml/sec Injection depth programmable Pre and post inj delay 0-99s Washing Type pre-injection, sample, post-injection Solvent capacity 6x10ml vials Mode single or double wash Internal standard technique IS volume as low as step of 0.1ml Air gap volume as low as step of 0.1ml Mode 1 or 2 air gaps Physical features Dimensions (WxHxD) 280x570x320mm Weight (3000A) 8.0kg Weight (3200A) 9.2kg Weight (3100A) 6.4kg Power supply 100-240±10%Vac; 50-60Hz; 55W -
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