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Summary of the First JEOL NMR workshop in Hong Kong


Hong Kong – In a collaborative effort between HKUST Department of Chemistry and PolyU University Research Facility in Chemical and Environmental Analysis, NMR enthusiasts gathered on December 5 and 6, 2023, for two insightful workshops hosted by the renowned analytical solutions provider, JEOL.

JEOL NMR workshop
Led by Edward Chen, Customer Team Manager for Research Products in Greater China, the workshops aimed to enhance the understanding and application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques among participants. Edward Chen brought his wealth of experience and expertise to the sessions, creating an engaging and enriching learning environment.

The workshops served as a platform for fruitful discussions between JEOL NMR users and Edward Chen. Attendees had the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of NMR technology, explore its diverse applications in research, and gain valuable insights from the seasoned trainer.

Both events, held at HKUST and PolyU, attracted a diverse group of researchers, scholars, and students eager to expand their knowledge in the field of analytical chemistry. The collaborative effort between HKUST and PolyU added a multidimensional perspective to the workshops, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and experiences.

The participants appreciated the interactive nature of the workshops, allowing for hands-on exploration of JEOL NMR instruments and practical demonstrations. Edward Chen's engaging teaching style facilitated a dynamic learning experience, catering to both novice users and seasoned practitioners in the field.

As the workshops concluded, there was a collective anticipation for future engagements. Attendees expressed their gratitude for the valuable insights gained and looked forward to the prospect of further collaboration and knowledge-sharing. The success of these workshops underscores the commitment of HKUST, PolyU, and JEOL to advancing education and research in the analytical sciences.

JEOL and its esteemed trainer, Edward Chen, express appreciation for the active participation and enthusiasm of the NMR community in Hong Kong. Plans for future workshops are already underway, promising more opportunities for learning, networking, and exploration in the fascinating realm of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
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